2023Manuscript Completion GrantTexas Woman’s University College of Arts and Sciences$5,000
2022The Effect of Alaska’s New Election System on Campaign FinanceUnite America/Alaskans For Better Elections$16,500
2021Texas Civics Teacher SurveyJane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership$3,500 + course release
2019Building Global Perspectives FellowshipTexas Woman’s University College of Arts and Sciences
2016Dissertation Research GrantGraduate School, UMass Amherst$1,000
2015Summer Language and Training GrantDepartment of Political Science, UMass Amherst$2,500
2015Prestage-Cook Travel AwardSouthern Political Science Association$250
2015Conference Travel GrantDepartment of Political Science, UMass Amherst$300
2013Summer Research and Writing GrantDepartment of Political Science, UMass Amherst$2,500
2013Conference Travel GrantDepartment of Political Science, UMass Amherst$300
2009Study Abroad Merit ScholarshipVSBFonds Foundation, The Netherlands€7,000
2006Student Leadership GrantTilburg University Law School, The Netherlands€2,700