Albert, Zachary, Robert G. Boatright, Lane Cuthbert, Adam Eichen, Wouter van Erve, Raymond J. La Raja, Meredith Rolfe. 2024. “Election reform and campaign finance: Did Alaska’s top 4 nonpartisan primaries and ranked-choice general elections affect political spending?” Social Science Quarterly.
Cuevas-Molina, Ivelisse, Tatishe M. Nteta, Brian Schaffner & Wouter van Erve. 2022. “The Conditional Effects of Latino Candidates and Partisanship on Latino Turnout. American Politics Research, 50 (5), 723-730.
Research Reports
Brock, Clare, Wouter van Erve. 2020. Working on Democracy: The State of Civics Education in Texas. Delivered to iCivics and the TWU Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy.
Bruggeman, W., Fijnaut, C.J.C.F., Sievers, L., Spapens, A.C.M., & Erve, W. van. 2008. The role of the police worldwide in the containment of the illegal production, the illegal trade and the illegal possession of small arms and light weapons. Zoetermeer: Korps Landelijke Politiediensten.